Time is valued by the people you spend it with
Treasure it
Measure it with ISYONI
Yet Modern with
a PoP of color

Since 1963, JW grew up watching his father make watches. As he fell in love with the art and pursued a career in the watch industry himself, he noticed, especially as his children were growing up, how styles and trends recycled. Rather than creating a low-quality, cheap watch brand that is simply trendy in the moment, JW sought out to design watches that would be affordable, high quality, unique to the individual, and appropriate for all occasions.
Time is a universal constant. But for each of us, its meaning changes according to who we are, where we are, and how we use it.
To an old man
who remarks "How times flies!", time reflects life.
To a working parent,
each hour equates provision for the family.
To a doctor,
60 seconds can determine an irregular heart rate.
To a young student,
waiting for the school bell to ring, time crawls.
ISYONI . . . for all . . . at all times